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We are four teenagers with one mission- To be the guardian for the orang utans. We know we can make a difference. With your support, we can make a BIGGER and more effective difference.

Orang utans are beautiful living creatures who want to maintain their existence in this world. They are very alike in humans in many things. They are almost like us, as a matter of fact. They are our friends. Please do not make them history.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let Them Live Life To The Max!

Look into their eyes. It tells you a thousand words.

After much research, I have found out the life span of the orangutans. And, it makes me sad to say that an orang utan has a maximum life span of only
50 years. Sadly, in the wild, most orangutans can only live upto 30-45 years. But, why can't us humans leave these orang utans alone? They do not harm us and we should treat them the same way. Let us leave the orangutans in peace and harmony. Now and always :)

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