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We are four teenagers with one mission- To be the guardian for the orang utans. We know we can make a difference. With your support, we can make a BIGGER and more effective difference.

Orang utans are beautiful living creatures who want to maintain their existence in this world. They are very alike in humans in many things. They are almost like us, as a matter of fact. They are our friends. Please do not make them history.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Full credits to Green Peace UK.

Dodos, mammoths, sabre-toothed tigers, sloths. Extinct way, way, way before any of us today were born.

Are orang utans next? Will they receive the same fate as the above mentioned now-gone animals?
Please. This is not a plea - this is a form of awareness. Think about it. Do you want to be held responsible? Years to come, the next generation will look back to our time, and say, "Did they do this to the orang utans? Were they the cause that we have and will never lay eyes on them?"

With so many other problems in hand, political problems, economical-related issues, and so on. Let's strive together hand-in-hand and not add burden to the world around us. We can do this.

Save the orang utans, we will!

Orang Utan Savers
At your service :)

Hey, hey you're the monkeys, 
and people said you're monkeying around,
but nobody's listening now.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Be gone

This blog CAN be enjoyable. It's not just about orang utan and facts. So in order to make it enjoyable for you, readers, I will type today's entry as a BIMBO!

O.M.G!!! Did you know, like, Orang Utans are, like, totally human-ish?!! Their babies will, like, cry *gasp* when they're hungry, whimper *louder gasp* when they're hurt and SMILE, that's right, SMILE at their Mum! Maybe this is not such an interesting fact for you, like, smart people out there, but, like, I'm dumb you see, I find this, like, totally fabulous!

Secondly, I found out that Orang utans who are in the entertainment industry don't have pension or any other protection to fall back on once they're, like, too old to do anything. Instead, their owner will actually dump them as if they're useless once these orang utans can't provide those stupid-two-face-orang utan-slayer (the former owner) with benefits anymore. I mean, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I know that's like totally mean.


Orang Utans are living creatures. Just like us! How would YOU feel if someone took you away from your family and forced you to entertain people just so they can get money? So the next time you're watching one of those shows where Orang Utans function as laughing stocks, just remember, how hard they worked for your viewing pleasure.

Ask yourself what you do for their benefit!

Orang Utan Savers

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Orang Utan Jokes

Here are some jokes on orang utans which I found on the internet. I hope that the jokes will actually make you laugh :) These jokes are simply to keep you entertained upon visiting our blog.

Q: What do you call a monkey who works in a call centre?
A: A who-rang-utang!

Q: What do you call a monkey who can't hear the telephone and who has a wife called Tang?
A: Who-rang-o-tang!

Q: What did the orangutan say to the chimp?
A: Ginger's the new black!

Q: What's white and swings through the trees?
A: A meranguetan!

Q: What is a orangutan's favorite cookie?
A: Chocolate chimp!

Q: How did Gertie Orangutan win the beauty contest?
A: She was the beast of the show!

Q: How do you prepare a Orangutan sundae?
A: Your start getting it ready Fridae and Saturdae!

Q: What did George Washington have to do with Orangutans?
A: As little as possible, dummy!

Q: What do you feed a 600 pound Orangutan?
A: Anything it wants!

Q: What does a Orangutan attorney study?
A: The Law of the jungle!

Q: What does a Orangutan learn first in school?
A: The Apey-cees!

Q: What gives a orangutan good taste?
A: Four years in an Ivy League school!

Q: What happens if you cross a parrot with a Orangutan?
A: Nobody is sure, but if it opened its mouth to speak, you'd listen!

Q: What's orange, brown and white, orange, brown and white, brown and white, etc.?
A: A Orangutan riding down a snowbank!

Q: How do orangutans get down the stairs?
A: They slide down the banana-ster!

Q: What do orangutans do when they go mad?
A: Go bananas!

Q: What do you call a orangutan playing quidditch?
A: A hairy potter!

Q: What's a orangutans's favourite pop group?
A: Bananarama!

Q: What is a orangutans's favourite toy?
A: A Bab-boom-orang!

Q: What sort of key does a orangutan need to open a banana?
A: A monk-key!

Q: Where do orangutans like to get their hair cut?
A: Vidal Baboon!

Q: What's a orangutans favourite music band?
A: The Gorillaz!

Q: What did the banana say to the orangutan?
A: Nothing, bananas don't talk!

This is Just The Beginning

Isn't the orang utan so adorable?
How can we allow it to extinct?

Hey, there, everyone. Thank you very much for visiting our blog. Well, let me get you a step closer towards saving the orang utans and a brief introduction on what we are actually doing. First of all, we the students of SMK (P) Sri Aman are actually participating in the 'orang utan' project organized by Tv9, WWF and Boh. The main objective of us creating this blog is to instill awarenss among all of us on the importance of preserving and conserving the forests for the sake of the orang utans.

Our team consists of 4 team members as well as a teacher advisor. Our members are, myself, Farhanah, Hanna Suhaila, Elsa and not forgetting, Elynna :) Our teacher advisor is Pn. Puteri. Thank you very much, Pn. Puteri for being in this with us. We truly appreciate it.

I am sure that everyone of you will be wondering about what kind of activities will we be carrying out for this orang utan project? Well, we mainly will be carrying out awareness programs, putting up the latest news on orang utans, holding exhibitions, games, videos and so on. Please do give us your support simply by actively participating in the activities which we carry out. Do leave your comments on our blog and tell us what you think of the orang utans. We have also created 'SAVE THE ORANG UTANS!' group on facebook. We hope that you would not hesitate to join in.

Let us give the orang utans a new hope to live. By reducing deforestation, we definitely will be able to save them and protect them. Are you with us?

Let's start the ball rolling. The orang utans will appreciate your efforts.

Thank you.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Orang Utan Savers

Because we are cool like that. :D