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We are four teenagers with one mission- To be the guardian for the orang utans. We know we can make a difference. With your support, we can make a BIGGER and more effective difference.

Orang utans are beautiful living creatures who want to maintain their existence in this world. They are very alike in humans in many things. They are almost like us, as a matter of fact. They are our friends. Please do not make them history.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why Should I care?

The first question everyone asks themselves is
'Why should I care about orang utans?'
They then convince themselves why they should play a part in saving these creatures.
'They are not part of my family nor my friends! I shouldn't be wasting my time helping them.'
Well, please don't think this way. Change the way you think. It's for the better.

Orang utans are a part of us. They are God's creation and part of mother nature. We must care and think about them too. Let me tell you a bit about them.

Orang utans are said to be of the same family as human beings as they are primates and have reddish-brown fur. Orangutans have shiny, red hair. They have powerful arms, which measure up to eight feet long. They have strong teeth and jaws. Their legs are smaller and weaker than their arms. Therefore, this is why you see monkeys and apes moving mostly with their arms. Their legs are five feet long. Orangutans are also the largest arboreal
(living in trees) mammal. Interesting, right?

Orang utans usually live in the tropical rainforests which can be found in most countries in Asia. They actually build crude nests and they are the one and only mammal who builds a roof for shelter when there is a downpour.

Why is it that orang utans are very much similar to us human beings? Orang utans are very intelligent. Let me enlighten you about some very intelligent and extraordinary things that they can do. Well, in the jungle, when these animals swing from tree to tree, they will not move until they get a firm grip of a branch. They also often drop seeds around the jungle to make more food for themselves. Believe it or not, these animals have developed brains and are really, just like us!


Now, there are less than five thousand orang utans left in the world. Let us save them from extinction.

Learn about them, care about them and save them.


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