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We are four teenagers with one mission- To be the guardian for the orang utans. We know we can make a difference. With your support, we can make a BIGGER and more effective difference.

Orang utans are beautiful living creatures who want to maintain their existence in this world. They are very alike in humans in many things. They are almost like us, as a matter of fact. They are our friends. Please do not make them history.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

It Comes To An End

As you all know, tomorrow which is 31st August 2009 will be the deadline for this competition we are currently participating in. It is also the National Independence Day for Malaysia! Happy Birthday Malaysia :) So we are taking this opportunity while this competition is still running to thank every one of you who have dearly supported us in saving the orang utans. We know that your support and the courage you have given us all this while has made a big difference for the orang utans thus giving them a brighter future.

This competition has been very wonderful and encouraging to us and it has given us an unforgettable experience. We have put all our efforts and hard work into this campaign just for the orang utans in hopes that we can give them a fresh new hope for them to continue living. Again, a warm appreciation to those who truly gave us their utmost support. We really are grateful that we can't even describe them in words. Before we say goodbye, we would like to wish all the Muslims out there Selamat Berpuasa and Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. Not forgetting, Happy Merdeka! :)

Much love,
Nur Elynna Hashri, Farhanah Adam Malik, Hanna Haizal and Elsa Athira ;)
The Orang Utan Savers

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