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We are four teenagers with one mission- To be the guardian for the orang utans. We know we can make a difference. With your support, we can make a BIGGER and more effective difference.

Orang utans are beautiful living creatures who want to maintain their existence in this world. They are very alike in humans in many things. They are almost like us, as a matter of fact. They are our friends. Please do not make them history.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Durians Please!

The fruit season has started and one of the fruits that is most favourable by us Malaysians is the durian fruit. Have you ever thought that orang utans love DURIANS too? Based on research, it is said that their favourite fruit is the king of fruits. The orang utans will discard the skin of the fruit, swallow the juicy flesh and the seeds.

Unlike us humans, these animals consume the seeds of the durian. Basically, for their diet, they rely on primarily fruit, with young leaves, bark, flowers, insects, and bird's eggs. Not forgetting, their favourite is still the durian. So, if you do visit an orang utan sanctuary, do bring some durians for them. They will be very happy to receive it :)


Puteri's territory said...

I have a question. Seems that the org utan loves durians too much. Will their burp and fart smell of durian too? Any idea?

Let me know, once you've found out.

Orang Utan Savers said...

LOL. This is a good question. Does your fart and burp smell like durian if you eat it? If yes, then same goes to Orang Utan. Remember, they are almost like human. :)

Puteri's territory said...

Oh definitely yes....

Fuuyoo...can you imagine the smell if the whole clan ate the durian?


P/S- But I still love the orang utans ok.